Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hurrah for Y chromosomes!!

We finally received a positive response from a school!

Mr. L fired off an email last night to an international school in Gyeongnam.  Actually...it was technically a follow-up email to the one I had sent them almost a month ago.  I've been trying to get in contact with this school since February 12, and each time I was sent an automated email saying "We have received your email and will respond to you soon." uh...yeah. no. They never got back to me. Mr. L shot off the email late last night, and they responded within hours!! I sense sexism at play...BUT! No matter! The school is "very interested in our application."

After a long hiatus of International School contact, days weeks of mulling over our apparently "undesirability" and a rough day at school (curses to shortened periods!), their response is most welcomed. Dangle a job in front of me and I can overlook their preference for the "male species"...after all, I tend to prefer them myself so who am I to judge?

1 comment:

  1. hoorahhhhh! when do you find out? does it pay well? are there photos of the types of homes they provide? too many questions? heh.
    by the by, i have no clue what to wear on friday. can we wear jeans? otherwise i've got my black leggings and...erm..a t-shirt and sweater? would a club turn me away if i'm wearing a big sweater?

