Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Thou shalt not fornicate..."

is essentially what we were told.  Context?  Read on.

Mr. L and I were off in Kingston Ontario this weekend for the Teachers' Overseas Recruiting Fair.  Preferred destination?  Korea.  (Mr. L and I are pretty set on country shopping here!  We've made up our minds!)

Only three Korean international schools were at the fair.  Though to be fair, we knew this going in...but in any case, of the three, two were sister CHRISTIAN schools, sharing the same administration.  Unfortunately for us, the school we really had our eyes on didn't grant us an interview because we didn't have the number of years of experience they required.  Seeing how it is a reputable, well established school, Mr. L and I can see how they can afford to be more discriminating in their selections.  Fair.  So off we went to visit the headmaster for the other school to take our chances there.

The entire interview request session was riddled with awkwardness and confusion.  There were 4 representatives from the school with various different titles, so Mr. L and I weren't quite sure who to speak/leave our resume package with.  In any case, after some awkwardly met gazes, we sat down arbitrarily in front of one representative and pled our case.  As it turns out, we were talking to the wrong person.  No worries - the headmaster was sitting right next to the guy we were talking to.  I suppose he heard me say that I'm seeking the HS Bio position and tuned matter.  Anyhow, he grabbed the resume packages and silently leafed through them.  Then he turns to Mr. L and carries on a conversation about how my Biology teachable is very desirable...Mr. L's English teachable mmmm not so much, but considering we are a package deal, they will make it work.'s a Biology teacher they yet...all the comments were directed to Mr. L...with not even the slightest attempt to make eye contact with me and at least acknowledge my presence.  He offered us an interview though he spoke to us as though we had the positions for certain saying such things as: "We're building a third school right now.  When that's finished you guys can choose to teach there also."  Great!  He likes us...or more precisely, he likes me for my qualifications, and Mr. L for his gender.  Regardless, we were offered an interview for the next morning at 10am.  Then the headmaster decides to take the conversation on a little detour.

"I don't mean to put your personal lives on the spot...but...are you eventually going to get married?"

He very bluntly told us that we cannot live together as a non-married couple.  His school teaches strict Christian BIBLICAL values and he felt that it is important that he makes this known explicitly to us.  Not only that, but that we also embody and exemplify these values ourselves.  We appreciated his honesty...and I hope he appreciated ours.  We called to cancel our interview when morning came.  And so, our fornication continues - contract breachment free.

For those who have read this and are convinced that we made our decision solely on the basis of sex...and in consequence...are judging us...clearly you are going through a dry spell.  I hear plenty of fish is highly successful in one-nighter hookups.  all jokes aside - give us the benefit of the doubt.  I assure you we are not as superficial as I have made us out to be.  

On a different note, I've fallen back in love with Kingston.  I haven't been back to that magically quaint town since my high school days, but as soon as we drove into town, all the warm, fuzzy, nostalgic feelings came flooding back.  Strange considering I've only lived there for a week.  Regardless, I feel oddly at home there and Mr. L is definitely on the same page.  Now...all that's left is for me to sell the idea of living in Kingston to my best friend and husband...results will be posted shortly.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What do we want? DEMOCRACY!


"Uh....sometime in the near future would be appreciated.  But if not...I suppose that's alright too...but we'd really appreciate the consideration."

Oh Canadian protests.  How civil and organized they are!  I still cannot get over the directives of the rally organizer.  In true Canadian spirit, he outlined the rally route then asked if the people at the back could kindly turn and follow the drummers - so you know, to avoid any confusion of sorts.  But hey, I truly admired this orderly conduct!  I thought it was a well orchestrated peaceful attempt to show some Canadian solidarity - for a change.

Despite my participation in this protest, I am ashamed to say that I am not one to actively (nor regularly) practice my civic duties.  I have often left my voting card in my mailbox, turned the channel when any political debates were aired, and often relied on hearsay news to get the down-low on parliamentary shindigs.  I have often felt the need to be more of an activist, but as we all know, our personal lives have a tendency of suckering us into this oblivion of anything beyond our immediate surroundings...thus despite my desire to be more...engaged in all things political...I have found myself isolated from the proceedings of our parliamentary system.  However, my immediate surroundings have recently been infiltrated by politically minded activists...namely, Mr. L and his family.  Thus, I currently find myself placed in a situation where two of my objectives happen to coincide: 1) to increase my civic duty participation 2) to integrate myself to said family.

Stay tuned, as updates of said objectives will be posted intermittently.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Breathless...'s dawned on me that I've lived my life wishing for time to stand still just for a moment so that I can catch my breath, take a look around and enjoy the scenary.  Sadly, I'm not quite certain what all that whirlwind of activity was about.  It's as though I've been "busy" all these years chasing after something, someone, some time that doesn't exist.  Projecting my happiness to the future, I've never really appreciated what's in front of me...attributing my apathy to the lack of time to fully appreciate anything.  In hindsight, I've realized that it really wasn't a lack of time...but of ability.  My breathlessness was the only thing that reminded me that I was still here...
then everything changed...and so, here I sit...breathless...worried that this too will fade away...that this too, shall pass, and my happiness with it.   

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Youth in Revolt

So it's 1am and Mr. L and I are already in bed...ready to head on to sleep.  I'm quite certain that the majority of the twenty-something-year-olds are belligerently galavanting on the streets of Richmond (or the like), disrobed in their Friday best, perhaps in the hopes of engaging in a variety of mating rituals...we, on the other hand, opted for a more quiet affair: dinner (at home - Mr. L prepared a scrumptious pork chop and rice number) and a movie.  Guess which one.

Perhaps it is because Mr. L and I are quite the square ourselves, but we really enjoyed this movie - perhaps even identified with it?  Even for those of you, who are of the "cooler" variety, I'm confident in saying that it is a film that will grab a few chuckles out of you.  T'was a light movie but filled with witty script written with literary poise, and it was refreshing to sit through an amusing 1.5 hours that was more than just teens being idiots.  If for nothing else, watch it for the script.  Mr. L approves also...and he is more pretentious than I.  

I've somehow just got suckered trying to read over Mr. L's shoulder...with my poor, bi-focal needing vision, I am not succeeding.  Yes. A square indeed.

On that note, good day.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Operation "cram-in-nooks"

Mr. L landed safely yesterday morning and I was extremely happy to be reunited with my charming (though disheveled at the time...) partner in crime.  I was all the more excited because his flight was delayed and I waited a good two hours in Terminal 3...alone...sleep deprived (ah yes, I forgot to mention that my procrastination on packing cost me my precious sleep. curses!) and growing hungrier with each passing minute.

Oh!  I should mention.  Somewhere...out there...there is a photo floating around of me, sitting in terminal 3 arrivals at Pearsons, looking incredibly confused.  "Why's that?" You may ask...well see, I was hurriedly taking a picture of the arrival flight status display (hurriedly because I was worried I"d get tackled for my "reconnaissance" work)when I heard a camera shutter go off from behind me.  I turned towards the direction of the sound and I was met by a sly gaze of a girl, also waiting alone.  "What the deuce?!?" I thought "Did she just take a picture of me??"  As I was in mid-thought, she did it AGAIN!!  And again I was met with the sly look!  I was partly flattered, but mostly creeped out.  Unless she took the photo of me because I looked doped out (recall no sleep previous night)...or some other less attractive which case...not creeped out but ired!  How dare she either way.

In any case...moving on.

The move last night went quite smoothly.  Had to take two cars because apparently, despite all that triaging, I still have quite a lot belongings...which were further reduced when I got downtown and realized; we have no space.  However, we trimmed down on much of our clothing and found every nook and cranny to cram our belongings into.  All in all, I'd have to call our operation a great success and Mr.  and Ms. L are now officially roommates - literally.

Where will life take us next?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Moving on...

January 1, 2010: when the deuce did that creep up on us? I blinked and 2009 was over. And now, here I sit with my Mac on my lap, sipping my coffee, creating yet another blog which may or may not stand the test of time.

In any case, lets move along...

Speaking of moving...whatdoyaknow! Ms. L's first adventure of 2010! Yesiree! Ms. L is moving on to bigger and better things. Well technically, I'm sizing down...significantly...but lets just roll with the popular phrase. The big day? Tomorrow. Am I ready? Not a chance.

Current Progress Status:
  • two suitcases full of clothes;
  • a duffle bag of text books/teaching resources;
  • a pile of clothes waiting - patiently - to be packed up on my bed;
  • an army of flats/boots/sandals/heels awaiting orders;
  • a closet stuffed with coats/jackets/blazers that need to be packed;
  • a bookcase full of literary gems waiting - patiently - to be triaged (limited space in our home prevents me from taking them all - curses!);
  • a case full of documents waiting - patiently - to be shredded or packed away
Perchance I should get a move on this moving business though...t'is already 6:40 pm and I must call it an early night since I am to pick up Mr. L from the airport tomorrow morning. Perhaps "pick up" is inaccurate. As my dear friend Unitb612 points out, you can't "pick up" someone via public transit. So let me rephrase: I must meet Mr. L at the airport tomorrow morning, then together trek home in true Plebeian form.

So, this concludes my first post of (hopefully) many. Although I am sporadic and inconsistent in my writing (I'd also like to attribute any typographical errors to literary, I hope some will find some amusement in my rambles...if not...then stop reading! Geez~ who invited you anyhow?

On that note...adieu.
