Saturday, January 16, 2010

Youth in Revolt

So it's 1am and Mr. L and I are already in bed...ready to head on to sleep.  I'm quite certain that the majority of the twenty-something-year-olds are belligerently galavanting on the streets of Richmond (or the like), disrobed in their Friday best, perhaps in the hopes of engaging in a variety of mating rituals...we, on the other hand, opted for a more quiet affair: dinner (at home - Mr. L prepared a scrumptious pork chop and rice number) and a movie.  Guess which one.

Perhaps it is because Mr. L and I are quite the square ourselves, but we really enjoyed this movie - perhaps even identified with it?  Even for those of you, who are of the "cooler" variety, I'm confident in saying that it is a film that will grab a few chuckles out of you.  T'was a light movie but filled with witty script written with literary poise, and it was refreshing to sit through an amusing 1.5 hours that was more than just teens being idiots.  If for nothing else, watch it for the script.  Mr. L approves also...and he is more pretentious than I.  

I've somehow just got suckered trying to read over Mr. L's shoulder...with my poor, bi-focal needing vision, I am not succeeding.  Yes. A square indeed.

On that note, good day.

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